The New Zealand Ministry of Education has published an item in Kia Manawaroa (the Ministry's dedicated pānui for whānau Māori) titled 'Learn how to support kids’ reading with Te Pānui Ngātahi Reading Together®'. Excerpts follow from the 18 November 2022 edition:
Reading at home with our tamariki is a fun way to spend time together, and has so many benefits like boosting their literacy and communication skills, and building their confidence.
Te Pānui Ngātahi (The Reading Together® programme) is a strengths-based programme offering strategies for whānau to positively support their child’s reading at home.
Although reading with your tamaiti can seem straightforward, feedback from whānau who have participated in the programme tells us some of the ways we are teaching our kids to read are actually making it harder for them.
Fairhaven School in Te Puke has implemented Te Pānui Ngātahi at Ngāti Moko Marae.
"The feedback that we have had from whānau has been heart-warming, how, with support from these workshops, we are changing negative experiences from the past to a positive experience for the future," says Vicki Hiini, Deputy Principal at Fairhaven school - now Lead Principal, Kāhui Ako o Te Puke.
Watch a VIDEO to find out more about Te Pānui Ngātahi (The Reading Together® programme)
How to access Te Pānui Ngātahi (The Reading Together® programme)
If you’re interested in accessing this programme through your kōhanga, ECE, kura or school, get them to contact ...
Find out more about Te Pānui Ngātahi Reading Together® | Education Counts
If you have any pātai email
Posted: Tuesday 29 November 2022