Reading for pleasure

Read NZ Te Pou Muramura

An excerpt from a Point and Associates (Aotearoa) Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Evaluation:

Reading for pleasure is one of the most important indicators for the future success of a child, improving literacy, learning, health and wellbeing and social outcomes. In particular, it builds empathy and the ability to understand different perspectives. Children who enjoy reading have more positive relationships with family and friends and are less likely to display risky behaviour. Reading for pleasure is an even more powerful factor in children's life achievement than socio-economic background.

Note: For information about the Writers in Schools programme, please see: Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Evaluation

National Library

An excerpt from the National Library's Services to Schools Reading for pleasure — a door to success:

Why reading for pleasure matters

Research shows that the benefits of reading for pleasure are extensive and long-reaching. Reading for pleasure:

  • boosts academic achievement, and provides a foundation for critical, digital and information literacy
  • builds cognitive function and stamina when immersed in the flow of reading
  • develops empathy and knowledge — of self, other worlds, culture, heritage, and ways of being and thinking
  • empowers students to become active citizens
  • improves and builds psychological wellbeing and healthy behaviours, and
  • crucially for young people, can be relaxing and provide an escape.

Additional Information: Reading for pleasure — a door to success

Reading for Pleasure Hui

In June 2024, the National Library of New Zealand and New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) hosted a one-day hui on reading for pleasure, as discussed here. An excerpt from Children's books matter:

Hui speakers included Kate De Goldi

One of the speakers was writer and Chair of the Te Puna Foundation, Kate De Goldi. Kate echoed some of the other presenters, speaking about the need to give all young people access to adult reading role models, libraries, stories and an ‘abundance’ of books that provide mirrors and windows.

We need stories and language and ideas that are alluring and immersive and comforting, but also challenge a child’s perceptions, stories and language that ask more of them.

Posted: Monday 22 July 2024